Tuesday, September 27, 2011

#Konox : Father Criticises 'She-Devil' Label

Knox, 24, is serving 26 years for the brutal killing of British student Meredith Kercher, 21, who was found semi-naked and with her throat cut in her bedroom of the house they shared with two other women in Perugia.
Initially she had blamed the murder on bar owner Patrick Lumumba, 39, who was arrested in a dawn raid in front of his stunned wife and baby.
Knox said that she "remembered Patrick killing Meredith" and that she had stayed in the kitchen covering her "ears to drown out the screams."
Congolese born Lumumba was kept in custody for two weeks before being released.
In court his lawyer Carlo Pacelli launched a furious tirade against her and said: "The woman you see before you today is charming, simple soap and water faced." ...read more
